
For the past… oh, I’m not even sure how long it’s been… I’ve felt that I’ve been just kind of “coasting” through life.

My days are often more of the same kind of doldrums; work (which isn’t really too busy), mixed with the occasional watching of videos on YouTube relating to either transit/trains, Pokémon Go, gaming (Elder Scrolls Online and Star Trek Online), analysis of various animated shows, and whatever the algorithm ends up showing me that looks somewhat interesting.

Yet when it comes down to doing anything relating to what I watch there, I find that I can do it for a few hours or so, and then I get bored/give up on it for a while.

There’s been other things that I’ve sought to try as well, but I end up getting bored/giving up on them fairly soon as well.

Nothing seems to really hold my interest well. There’s nothing that I can even say that I’m really dedicating myself to.

And that worries me.

I see other people who’ve managed to really get their focus on one or a couple of particular things, and I’d love to be able to do that. Even with just one thing.

One thing that I’ve started to wonder lately; is this some form of attention deficit disorder? How does someone the wrong side of 50 even go about checking on something like that? If it is, then I’ve lived with it undiagnosed for most of my life.

Maybe I might then even be able to find a little bit more enjoyment out of things I do.

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