Midwest FurFest 2016 Fursuit photos Posted on December 7, 2016 09:16 by frysco I’ll be updating this post with URLs of locations that have fursuit photos from Midwest FurFest 2016. SeanC / DaIrishGoat ChaosReign Andy Fox ILiveInAWhaleCarcass Hyshaji Nightdragon Racsky Alysterwolf TofuSnow Vayro Gryphon 📂This entry was posted in Journals
August 29, 2018 frysco TripBack on Saturday July 28, I was looking forward to CanFurence that was coming up the following weeke...
March 9, 2015 frysco Canadian “Con”-tentThis past weekend was VancouFur, a local furry convention. I admit that I went into this convention...